Celebrate this new Grinding Summer Ale with us this June 17, 2023, at Southside Skatepark with a $1000 Street Contest and Holy Hell Concert at Eureka Heights Brewery to follow. Eureka Heights will be on-site at Southside Skatepark with the Southside Shredder Summer Ale giveaway. Southside Skatepark is proud to partner with Eureka Heights to kick off the Summer here in Houston, Texas. We look forward to a well-attended Street Contest happening 2 pm to 5 pm. Upon conclusion, we plan on heading over to Eureka Heights Brewery at West 18th Street for a Holy Hell Concert 7 pm – 10 pm.
“This Crispy Summer Ale is Ready to Get Gnarly. Perfect for Shredding After a Hot Houston Summer Afternoon at the Skatepark. Cheers to Southside celebrating 30 years in Houston.” – Eureka Heights Brewery
“Country Punk from Houston Texas. The more you drink, the better we sound.” – Holy Hell
The band Holy Hell describes themselves as, “Country Punk from Houston Texas. The more you drink, the better we sound.” You can also check out Holy Hell at their Facebook. Eureka Heights will have Southside Shredder available in 16-ounce cans at the brewery. We are all looking forward to a great time Saturday June 17, 2023 as we send ourselves into the Summer heat together.
When you Skateboard in a Contest You Get to See All of Your Friends, Push Yourself to the Limit, and You Might Even Win Some Money Too!
For a $1000 purse Southside Skatepark wants to see our community out in full force. Skateboarding in a contest is always fun. You get to see all of your friends, push yourself to the limit, and you might even win some money too. The format has not been entirely decided upon yet so stay tuned to @southsidehtx for updates. Entry fee is simply $5 member or $10 non-member – pay to skate the park and you can participate in the contest. Keep your eye out for an in-store sale as we are kind of celebrating National Go Skateboarding Day while we are at it. Southside Skatepark will be the place to be Saturday, June 17, 2023! See you all there!
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