Oklahoma City Trip | Southside Skatepark

Max Peterson | Up and Over | photo Wil Widner
School is out and to celebrate we thought we would take a trip to visit our friend Scott Sullivan in Oklahoma City. The city itself is home to Thrasher SOTY Kyle Walker, 3 peat King of the Road winner Clint Walker and some of the largest rails that have been skated ever. Not only was the Oklahoma City trip a great way to celebrate the end of school but our friend Scotty was celebrating his birthday and expecting his first child with his girl.
The Trip was Almost Scrapped Due to Finals Being Delayed by an Online Gun Threat

Tate Malpass and Scotty Sullivan | photo Wil Widner
The entire trip was almost scrapped due to finals being delayed by an online gun threat that had Houston Community College closed the Monday and Tuesday before we headed out. Eventually, HCC had to re-open and allow the guys to take their finals. With the finals in our review mirror and a place to stay with plenty to skate David Langston, Nathan Pacheco, Wil Widner, Tate Malpass, Brett Heinis, Drew Squan and myself headed out. Max Peterson had to head out the next day but once he arrived the photo above helped make it worth it. The Oklahoma City trip was a seven-hour drive from Houston, Texas. All you have to do is imagine driving to Dallas twice and you are there.
Seasonal High Winds Made Spots Difficult to Skateboard

Tate Malpass | Frontside Heelflip | photo Wil Widner
With seasonal high winds blasting, every spot we went to was difficult to skate. Tate Malpass shows us what getting lucky with the wind at your back looks like. He ended up tossing this frontside heel out so far he could have passed up another block. Due to the wind, we found ourselves looking for spots against walls and in hallways. After two full days of the wind blasting we opted to skate Dallas, Texas on our last day of the trip.

David Langston | photo Wil Widner
David Langston Worst Set Ups but Best Backside Smiths

David Langston | Backside Smith Outrail | photo Wil Widner
David Langston was especially anxious to hit the road after a semester back in college. He made some really good grades and just before we headed out we dropped him at school to take his final. While he was getting in the car he had just received his semester project back from his professor and he pulled a 100! Pretty amazing way to start the Summer, congratulations, David.
Drew Squan Southside Video in the Works

Clint Walker, David Langston and Bigo | photo Wil Widner
Drew Squan has been filming with Max Peterson, Hollywood Martinez and a bit of Nathan Pacheco all supposed to go to a Southside video project he is working on. As he’s gone along more of the Southside team guys are showing up to sessions and meeting up with him. We don’t know exactly what it is yet but we are trying to move towards it and support it. We are thankful for someone in the streets and filming the team guys more often.

David Langston | Crooked Grind | photo Wil Widner
Nathan Pacheco brought along his bro Brett Heinis

Brett Heinis | On the Road | photo Wil Widner
Apparently with both Nathan and Brett living in San Antonio, Texas they have been having a hard time finding filmers and photographers to shoot their skateboarding. So when Nathan asked if Brett could come along I figured why not, we have the room and Brett is easy going. Brett was ready to get productive and it showed as he proceeded to get clips at every spot we skated. This frontside wallride over this 11 stair was one of the best things I’ve ever filmed.

Brett Heinis | Frontside Wallride | photo Wil Widner
Natural Skateboarder

Nathan Pacheco | photo Wil Widner
On the Oklahoma City trip it was becoming more clear that Nathan Pacheco is a natural skateboarder. When I say natural I mean he can learn anything, skate any board and have fun anywhere. I always have fun watching Nathan figure things out on his board. Pretty sure he can do anything he wants and it’s going to be interesting to see all of the things he will accomplish in skateboarding.

Nathan Pacheco | Natas Spin | photo Wil Widner
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Words Eric Visentin | Photos Wil Widner