These San Antonio spots had a lot of potential and we tried to skate all of them.

Nathan Pacheco has taken his skateboarding to San Antonio, Texas and ever since his departure I had wanted to take some of the Southside Skatepark team for a visit.  Help him with his adjustment and let him know we weren’t going to just forget about him.  Turns out that by the time we made it out there in just a few months he had become part of the local scene hanging out with Victor @chunkylamonkey and rolling in the Chevy 20 Van.  We only had 36 hours to get in and get out of San Antonio and there was an abnormal cold front hovering over the entire state of Texas.  The first spot had an undeniable crust but proved to be a great place to warm up and get creative.



David Langston|Slappy Backsmith|photo Wil Widner


Jordan Miles|Backside 5050|photo Wil Widner


Nathan Pacheco|Treflip|photo Wil Widner


David Langston|Frontside Wallride|photo Wil Widner

Literally blocks away from a new up and over and a very famous red out rail spot.

It was Friday afternoon when we arrived and we skated the first spot until dark.  The spot had a lot of potential and we tried to skate all of it.  Somehow Nathan is running a San Antonio skateboarding house as he has an apartment all to himself on the weekends.  For some reason the apartment’s location is literally blocks away from a new up and over and a very famous red out rail spot.



Nathan Pacheco|Frontside 180|photo Wil Widner

It’s as if Nathan was Meant to be Skateboarding San Antonio

After watching too many Thrasher Magazine videos Nathan wanted to go back out and skate more spots.  Wil Widner had met up with a friend and left for the night but Izzy, Nathan’s filmer, had arrived and double angles sounded good to everyone.  The San Antonio locals were totally down to head back out and light spots up.  It was really sick being around so many motivated people.  I’m usually the one getting everyone motivated and this was probably one of the first trips where I wasn’t the driving force, which was refreshing.



Nathan Pacheco|Gap Boardslide|photo Wil Widner


David Langston|Switch 180|photo Wil Widner

There were too many Good Spots in San Antonio and the Rest of the Crew was Getting Anxious

The very next day we found a taco spot and set ourselves up with a proper breakfast.  The San Antonio skateboarding scene has tons of spots, certainly way more then we could skate, but Nathan wanted to start his day at this triple kink rail.  He had some plans for it but after getting the gap boardslide we ended up moving on.  There were too many good spots in San Antonio and the rest of the crew was getting anxious.



Jordan Miles|Front Shove|photo Wil Widner

Interesting How No One Seemed to Care that a Generator was Running

 After getting away with everything at so many local spots we finally ended up getting the boot at this stucco hubba.  The cop that asked us to leave was the only authority figure we ran into the entire time.  San Antonio reminds me of Houston fifteen years ago.  It was interesting how no one seemed to care that a generator was running, bright lights were illuminating and a large group people were absolutely loitering. The officer was so mellow that he even took the time to warn us of potential tickets at other schools being issued for skateboarding.  It was very different from the skateboarding experience our crew had been enjoying but we thanked him regardless.



Nathan Pacheco|5050 to the End|photo Wil Widner


Nathan Pacheco|Fakie Hardflip|photo Wil Widner

“I Love San Antonio, I think I am going to move here.”

It’s always tough when you have to hold back footage for the greater good.  Nathan and Izzy are hoping to release a solid part through an influential web outlet soon.  Which had me loosing three solid tricks that I hope to see again being broadcast on a much higher level.  I had a really productive time while on the road with these guys and Wil @bum_william just kept saying, “I Love San Antonio, I think I am going to move here.”

Words @southsidehtx

Photos @bum_william

Watch more skateboarding from Nathan Pacheco 

About Eric Visentin