Old Man Bowl Jam BBQ Music Festival April 1, 2017 Kickstarter Link HERE!
Old Man Bowl Jam BBQ Music Festival April 1st 2017 at Southside Skatepark. Above is a video recap of our 2015 Old Man Bowl Jam. We hope you will join us for this years 8th Annual Old Man Bowl Jam. This year we are expanding the line up of live music performances the day of. With seven bands on the roster and growing we decided to add the word festival to the mix. With some amazing skateboarding Professionals, Amateurs and Hometown Heros the event is comprised of all of your favorite friends in one place at one time. Some of the skateboarders on hand the day of have ridden a board longer then twice the time you’ve been alive and still rip. Southside Skatepark hosts this event annually to show respect to those that paved the way for skateboarding and helped to keep the next generation stoked. Pre-register at the best price at our KICKSTARTER

Embassy Skateboard’s Todd Prince Facial | photo Eric Visentin
With live music from One Less Zero, Russ Driver Band, Cops, Royal Flush, Konkerute, 5104, The Way Down, Free Beer Band
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With live music from One Less Zero, Russ Driver Band, Cops, Royal Flush, Konkerute, 5104, The Way Down, Free Beer Band. The music begins during the Old Man Bowl Jam warm up 12-2pm. Continues through the Old Man Bowl Jam contest 2-5pm and then ramps back up after the BBQ 5-7pm Parking Lot Party on the street course 7-10pm.

BBQ Parking Lot Party 2013 | photo Eric Visentin
We hope you will join us for an all day event here at Southside Skatepark in Houston, Texas. Kickstarter campaign has just been launched to help generate the budget required to host an event of this magnitude. Please donate, share and participate in this years event happening April 1st 2017.

DoDo Nichols and Dave Donalson BBQ Prep | photo Eric Visentin